Jump Stats
- Jumps: The number of times I’ve jumped out of a plane .
- Time in freefall: This is the total time spent between jumping from the plane, and opening a parachute, and increases with each jump.
- Time on hold: This is the time spent on location at a Drop Zone, but unable to jump due to the weather. As a student, the restrictions are far tighter on when you can jump, as you get more experience, you are not as limited.
- Distance fallen: This is the approximate total distance fallen between jumping from the plane, and opening a parachute, and increases with each jump.
- Tunnel time: This is the time i have spent in a wind tunnel, training in a simulated freefall environment. Tunnel time is bought in blocks of minutes or hours, the more you buy in one block, the cheaper it works out, prices range from ~£12 per minute to £700 per hour (or £500 per hour, in certain tunnels, at specific off peak times, if you buy 12 hours worth = £6,000!!! EEEK!!). This price is normally ONLY for the tunnel time, and does not include any coaching.
- Beer fines: A beer fine can be imposed for ANY reason, but, the law is, if its your ‘first’ something, then you get fined for it, if you achieve something, then you get fined for it, if you mess up, you get fined for it, miss something important, you get fined for it, land too far from the landing area, or, past ‘the beer line’, you get fined for it. Or one of any other reasons that may, or may not, make any sense at all. Beer fines are paid, in beer, into the drop zones beer fridge, which must NOT, under any circumstances, be allowed to run empty, EVER! A beer fine is NOT a punishment, normally, but a recognition of the event that lead to the fine being imposed. Click here to be taken to my Beer fines page.
- Spent so far: Just like it sounds, the amount I’ve spent so far, on jumps, equipment, training, etc.Click here to be taken to my Costs page.
- Top speed: This is the highest speed I have recorded (electronically) in freefall.
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